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Bridge Learning Articles

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Learn from the over 1,000 articles written by Larry Cohen and BLC-certified pros covering every facet of the game. Our Bridge Articles are always free to view.

image Larry Cohen

Improving Your Odds

How can you improve your odds on this deal?

He Did What?

Third Hand as High as Necessary

Make sure you are thinking carefully before playing third to the trick.

Battle Won, War Lost

Lots of Lessons

The Real Deal comes from Larry's work with The Common Game. Are you overcomplicating the auction?

A Little Extra Caution

This deal was played by my friend Gary Cohler in the 2022 Jacoby Open Swiss Teams in Providence:

Not so Safe

Two out of Three is Bad

Well Bid, Better Played

Nine in a Row

12 Comparisons

A Non-Finesse


Real Deal #72 (in Audrey Grant magazine)

Real Deal #73 (in Audrey Grant Magazine)

Real Deal #74 (in Audrey Grant Magazine)

Real Deal #75 (in Audrey Grant Magazine)

Real Deal #71 (In Audrey Grant Magazine)

Bringing Up Baby

What Does it Take to Respond?

Desperate Measures

An Unblock & a Crocodile

The Rhine Was Divine