1-of-a-Major Response -- Showing/Ignoring a Major

By: Larry Cohen

1-of-a-Major Response -- Showing/Ignoring a Major

Partner opens on the one level.

When should you respond 1 or 1 and what does it promise?

HCP: Typically 6+ to respond, but it is okay to have a little less if you have a good suit or an ace and/or decent shape.

After Partner's 1 Opening

Respond in your major (4 or more cards) to partner's 1 opening (with 4-4 in the majors, respond 1; with 5-5, respond 1). In the modern style, ignore (bypass) diamonds unless you have opening bid strength.



♥ A1032
♦ Q42
♣ 54

1Up the line with 4-4 (can't use 2/1 GF after 1).

♥ AK765
♦ Q42
♣ --

1Spades first with 5-5.

♥ Q1065
♦ J7654
♣ 32

1Bypass diamonds with this "1-bid hand".

♥ A105
♦ AK654
♣ 3

1Show diamonds first (and bid spades later -- since there will be a "later").

♥ A32
♦ Q54
♣ 1082

1Don't bypass a 4-card major (don't respond 1NT to show "points").

After Partner's 1 Opening

All the rules/examples above apply. If you have less than opening bid strength, you will always respond in a major (4+ cards) if you have one. But, what if you have a choice between showing a major, or using a 2/1 GF auction? For example, partner opens 1 and you hold:

♥ 32
♦ A2
♣ AKJ65.
Because you have enough strength for a 2/1 response, start with 2. You can find a 4-4 spade fit later if it exists. It makes for a much better auction to establish the game force first. But:

> With 5 (or more) cards in the major, always start with 1 of the major (if you bid 2/1 in a new suit, partner will never get the message that you have 5 in your major when you introduce it later).
> With 4 in the major and 4 in a biddable minor, I strongly recommend starting with the 2/1 GF auction if possible. So, respond 2 to 1 with: K2 ♥ K1076 ♦ K32 ♣ AQJ2.



♥ QJ54
♦ 2
♣ AJ76

1Up the line with 4-4 (not enough strength for 2, GF).

♥ A987
♦ --
♣ KQJ76

2Get into the 2/1 GF auction at once. You can find a major-suit fit later.

♥ Q10652
♦ 2
♣ AQJ32

1As much as I like 2/1 GF auctions, if you start with 2, partner will never play you for 5 cards in hearts.

♥ 42
♦ 32
♣ AJ765

1Not strong enough for a 2/1 GF auction.

After partner's 1 Opening

If you have 4+ hearts, you would typically ignore spades (maybe bid a really long/strong spade suit).

With 3 hearts, raise (ignore spades) if you have only one bid to make. So, raise 1 to 2 with:

♥ K102
♦ 32
♣ Q102.

With 3 hearts and enough to bid twice (roughly 11+), you can bid 1 (four or more) and raise hearts next.

With fewer than 3 hearts, use the same scheme as over 1. Prefer a 2/1 GF auction with enough strength and only 4 spades. For example, respond 2 to 1 with:

♥ K2
♦ AQ1076
♣ A2.
You can find spades later. But, respond 1 with only:

♥ K2
♦ 98764
♣ A2.

With 4+ spades (and no 3+ card heart support, but 6-12 points), respond 1.
With 5+ spades (and no 3+ card heart support) always respond 1.

With exactly 4 spades (and no heart support) and GF values and a showable minor, start with 2 of the minor.



♥ A542
♦ 2
♣ K542

4Make a Splinter Raise of hearts; ignore the spades.

♥ A542
♦ A2
♣ AQ2

2NTJacoby 2NT; ignore the spades.

♥ 2
♦ K76
♣ KJ532

1Show the spades (1NT would deny 4 spades and you aren't strong enough for a GF 2).

♥ A
♦ A76
♣ KJ1076

2Enough for a 2/1 GF auction (a 4-4 spade fit can be found later).

♥ 42
♦ AKJ8
♣ K72

2Even with 4-4, better to get into the 2/1 GF auction (a 4-4 spade fit can be found later).

♥ 3
♣ AQ

1Don't use 2/1 GF to bypass a 5+ card major

After partner's 1 Opening

This is "off-topic" since you can't respond on the one-level. If you do respond 2, you promise at least 5 cards in hearts. Assuming 2/1 GF, you also promise opening-bid strength.

After the Opponents Double

After the opening bid is doubled, all 1-level responses of 1 or 1 are as above. Usually, responder will redouble with 10+HCP and a balanced hand. So, after:


South would redouble with:
♥ KJ2
♦ A102
♣ J32.

With 10+ HCP and an unbalanced hand or long major, usually it is better to eschew the redouble and just make the response you would have made without the double:


South should respond 1 (not redouble) with:
♥ KQJ872
♦ A102
♣ J82.

For more on responding, see this book.

For a webinar on 2/1 GF, click here.