An Odd Safe/Danger Layout

By: Larry Cohen

An Odd Safe/Danger Layout

For the fourth month in a row, we visit the 2023 Senior Team Trials. On the rare occasions that I play (like this event), I get lots of Real Deals to publish. This deal was an interesting variety of the common "Safe/Danger" theme.

Dlr: South
♥ K10765
♦ QJ653
♣ K8
♥ QJ94
♦ 74
♣ J6
♥ 82
♦ A98
♣ Q10742
♥ A3
♦ K102
♣ A953

South opened 1NT. North transfered to hearts and then bid 3, natural and game forcing. South's 3NT bought the contract and West led a fourth-best spade.

Looking at all 4 hands, do you see the theme?

In notrump we count winners. South has a spade trick from the lead. In addition to the ace-king in hearts and clubs, declarer can set up 4 diamond tricks to get to 9.

The only problem is that there might be only one spade stopper.

If West, the opening leader has the A, there will be no problem. Declarer can win the J and play diamonds; West can't get at the second spade stopper.

But, with East having the A, declarer is in serious danger. If declarer wins the J, East gets in and pokes through the 9 (East must retain that card at trick one, of course). Declarer now loses four spade tricks for down one.

Most South players saw the danger and let West's 8 win the first trick.

Now what?

West has a winning counter-move (although not all West players found it). West has to lead another low spade at trick two. If declarer ducks again, he remains with KJ and when East gets in with the A to play a spade, declarer would be down 2. So, declarer has to win the second spade. But, he is doomed. East gets in with the A and has a spade left to play through for down one.

With best defense, there is no way to make this one. In fact, there is no legitimately making game for North-South.