Responding with Fewer Than 6 Points

By: Larry Cohen

Responding with Fewer Than 6 Points

Responding with Fewer Than 6 Points

I often get asked about responding with weak (fewer than 6 HCP) hands. There are many factors. Before I list them, let me say that I would not respond to partner's 1 opening with:

♥ J76
♦ Q765
♣ J43,

but I would respond with:

♥ 2
♦ 10876
♣ 1076.

In both examples, responder has 5 HCP -- but there is so much more to it. Of importance are:

1) Suit quality/length.
2) What the suit is (if spades, the preemptive value is better).
3) What is the vulnerability? If borderline, respond if not vulnerable, pass if vulnerable.
4) Are the HCP made up of quacks (queens/jacks) or aces/kings?
5) Spot cards--10's and 9's count!

There is no "right or wrong" here -- it is sometimes guesswork or style. Since there are no exact answers, I will just give you some situations with my thoughts:

Vulnerable against not, partner opens 1 and RHO passes:

  • J8765
    ♥ J76
    ♦ J76
    ♣ 32
    I would pass, seeing no reason to risk getting too high with this junky hand/suit.

  • K87
    ♥ J765
    ♦ J32
    ♣ 542
    Same comment as the first hand.

  • 4
    ♥ AJ876
    ♦ 87654
    ♣ 32
    I would respond 1. This hand has potential.

  • 108752
    ♥ A54
    ♦ 32
    ♣ 654
    Same comment as the first hand.

  • K9876
    ♥ Q1054
    ♦ 432
    ♣ 2
    I would respond 1--I don't like the prospect of tabling this dummy in 1 and this isn't a bad hand at all.

  • 8765
    ♥ 8764
    ♦ 6543
    ♣ 2
    I would pass--hate it, but responding would be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

    Not vulnerable against Vulnerable (Favorable), partner opens 1 and RHO passes:

  • QJ1087
    ♥ 4
    ♦ J76
    ♣ 8754
    I would respond 1. This is an okay 4-count (with a nice 5-card suit) and has great preemptive value (opponents must have a heart fit). I am willing to risk getting too high at minus 50 a trick to interfere with the opponents' free run if I were to pass instead.

  • QJ105
    ♥ 2
    ♦ 87654
    ♣ 432
    Another 1 response for just about all the reasons in the previous hand. If partner reverses to 2 or jump rebids 2NT, I'll regret having responded. Oh well.

  • Q876
    ♥ Q74
    ♦ J32
    ♣ 876
    I would pass--seeing no good reason to respond.

  • Q76
    ♥ J87
    ♦ 2
    ♣ J76543
    I would pass. I don't love the idea of playing in 1, but it isn't likely that LHO will pass. If I do respond, I am just asking for trouble (no good bid to make anyway).

Note: All of the above assumes partner opened in 1st or 2nd seat. If he opens in 3rd or 4th seat the strategy is a little different. It has gone:

PassPass1 somethingPass


PassPass1 somethingPass

Why is that different? Both opponents have passed. This greatly increases the odds your partner has a big hand and is about to jump. There is not as much reason to respond just to preempt the opponents (who don't have much). Accordingly, I am not anxious to respond light. I want to have my bid when I am a passed hand.


There is no right or wrong answer for this article/topic. Use the guidelines given and the example hands to learn what a rough idea of "right/wrong" is and good luck!

For more on the subject Click Here for Michael's webinar on Hand Evaluation.

Updated August 2023