Set 13 Results

By: Larry Cohen

Set 13 Results

Results for Set 13

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Board 1, South deals and opens 2 (11-15 with 5+ ), both vulnerable

Q 6 5
K J 10 9 8 3
J 5
K 9
A K 5
5 2
A K 8 7 6
10 8 7

Scores for Board 1:

4: 10
3: 5

With the expected club lead, 3NT has no realistic chance to make. Still, the most likely auction is for West to overcall with 2, East to bid 3 (forcing), and West to try 3NT, which East passes. Oh well. Maybe you and your partner can reach the heart game.

Board 2, East deals, Both vul

10 3
A 10 6 5
K 10 8 7 6
K Q J 9 6
K Q 4
Q 9 2
8 7

Scores for Board 2:

2: 10
3: 9
1NT: 8
3: 7
4: 6
2NT: 4
4: 4
Other games: 2

No game is good. Three notrump with a club lead is obviously hopeless. Five diamonds is off 3 aces, and 4 is too much to handle (imagine a club lead). Even with a 3-3 trump break (against the odds), you still haven't make 4. How to stop low? 1-1NT (semi-forcing)-Pass is surely possible.

Board 3, East deals, East-West vul

8 6 5
8 5
K 8 7 6 5 3 2
A K 10 2
8 7 3
A K 2

Scores for Board 3:

5: 10
4: 6
2NT: 4
6: 3
3NT: 2

I'm afraid that 2NT-3NT will be a popular auction. Pray that South doesn't have a heart lead.

Board 4,East deals, East-West vul

A 10 9 7 6 3
A K 10 4
A 5 4
K 5 2
K Q 6 2
10 9 7 6 3

Scores for Board 4:

7: 5

Since some pairs won't even reach any slam, it is not good odds to play in a grand slam (just bidding and making six is decent enough). How to reach slam? West opens 1 and East bids 2, Drury. West could abandon science (leaving the defense in the dark) and just leap to 6. On the other hand, that wouldn't be as wise if you interchanged East's minors. So, maybe West should start with 2, over which East can bid 3 to show where he lives. That would be music to West's ears.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***