Set 15Results

By: Larry Cohen

Set 15Results

Set 15 Results

For instructions, click here.

Board 1, West deals, both vul

A K Q J 10 4
K 4
K 9 8 7
7 5
Q 10 9 8 6 5
10 2
A 5 3

Scores for Board 1:

4: 10
4: 7
5: 3
3/3NT: 2

We start this set with one of the easier problems in this series. After a 1-1N start, it is far from clear what West should rebid. A straightforward 4 or 3 should lead to the correct final contract.

Board 2, West deals E-W vul

A Q J 9 7 6 4
Q 2
A J 2
8 3 2
K 7 6 4
Q J 3
K 8 6

Scores for Board 2:



3NT: 4

Already this set is a candidate for easiest in the series. This looks like another routine 4, maybe after 1-2-4. For some reason, this deal is in the Becker Archives--so maybe you and your partner will discover what the problem is.

Board 3, East deals, both vul

A 10 9 5 4
J 3
K Q 8 4 2
K 3 2
A K J 10 9 4
Q 10 9

Scores for Board 3:

4: 10
3NT: 9

4NT: 6





The trick here is to avoid playing in spades (off 4 likely tricks). The auction is likely to begin 1-1-2-3. At this point, East might bid 3 which will lead to that nasty 4 contract. At some point, West or East needs to steer the partnership into hearts or notrump. Good luck!

Board 4, West deals, nobody vul

10 2
A K 10 9 6 4
A J 9
K 3
A K 8 7 5
A J 9 8 7 6 4


6: 10

6NT: 6


5NT: 4
6/7: 3

5: 2

7NT: 1

So much for the easy set. If anyone was on their way to 40 out of 40, this one might have done them in. How to reach 6? Let's start with 1-2-2-2-2NT-3. Now, West should appreciate his prime cards and bid 4. It's a bit of guesswork from here on.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***