Set 19Results

By: Larry Cohen

Set 19Results

Set 19 Results

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Board 1, West deals, E-W Vulnerable, South bids clubs, North raises clubs (to lowest possible level)

A 7 6 5
A 3
Q 10 9 7 6
7 4
9 2
K Q 8 7 5 2
K 8 5 4

Scores for Board 1:

Slams: 2

On a lucky day (no spade lead) and both red suits behave, E-W can make a red-suit slam. More the issue here is to reach the correct game. After East's 1, South overcalls 2. West should make a negative double and North raises to 3. What now? Will East bid diamonds? If so, how will E-W get back into hearts?

Board 2: North deals, Both Vulnerable, South bids 2

A K J 7 6 5
A 6 5
A 3
6 4
Q 3
J 3 2
Q 10 4
K Q J 9 2

Scores for Board 2:

3NT (East): 10
3: 7
4: 6
3NT (West): 5

With West declaring, and a heart lead (probably a singleton) from North, there is trouble lurking. In the "normal" spade game, declarer can win the A and draw trump, but then what? If the defense wins the 2nd round of clubs (especially if it is South), the game is likely doomed. 3NT by West has similar problems (especially if South has an entry). How to reach 3NT by East? Not easy. The auction probably starts P-P-2 and West might overcall 3. You can't preempt a preempt, so this jump is intermediate showing a decent suit (6+ cards). Might East now venture 3NT, hoping Jxx is good enough?

Board 3, North deals, E-W Vulnerable, North opens 2, South bids 4

10 8 6 5
Q J 3
A K Q 10 6 5
K J 7
A K 10 9 2
J 7 3 2

Scores for Board 3:


5 of a minor: 7
4 Doubled: 3
4 Undoubled: 1

I wouldn't come in directly with East's hand. It rates to go 2-P-4 to West. He could double (this is takeout!) or maybe overcall 5. (A 4NT bid should show a 2-suited hand). I suppose West could pass, but that seems wrong with such a nice hand including a spade void. If West doubles, East might leave it in, but he could bid 4NT for takeout, leading to a club contract--but reaching slam takes good guesswork.

Board 4, East deals, E-W Vulnerable

A 10 7 5 4
K 10 2
9 5
A Q 10
K 3
A 9 3
A K Q 10 4 2
K 2

Scores for Board 4:

7: 9
6NT: 7
6: 6
5NT: 3
5, 6 :2
5: 1

Many Easts will value their hand as a 2NT opening (I think it is actually too strong for that). After 2NT, it is not easy for West to envision a grand slam. Maybe 2 is a better valuation for East's hand, although some will open only 1. I think that without a 2 opening, it won't be easy to reach the good grand (on 3-2 diamonds or a singleton jack). With diamonds trump, declarer might even survive a 4-1 break (onside) with a trump coup.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***