Set 20 Results

By: Larry Cohen

Set 20 Results

Set 20 Results

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Board 1, West deals, Nobody Vulnerable

A K Q 4
8 3
K 7 4 3
Q 9 3
K 7 6 5 2
A 10 9 5 2
A 2

Scores for Board 1 :

3NT (West): 10

3NT (East): 8
5: 7
4: 5
6: 4

Unless West is in range for 1NT, the auction will begin 1-1-1. Now, East will want to raise diamonds. He is too strong for 3 invitational, so will force to game. In new "XYZ" methods, 2 might mean something special. In modern 1990's bridge, East would bid 2, 4th suit forcing. West now might bid 2 to emphasize "where he lives" and likely (after a diamond raise) East will eventually settle for 3NT.

Board 2: West deals, Both Vulnerable

K 4
A 9 5
A J 9 5
A K 6 4
A 7 6 3
J 10 8 7 5 2

Scores for Board 2:

7NT: 10
7: 9
6NT: 7
6: 6
5NT: 3
5: 1

It is fashionable to open 2NT with decent 19-counts, but I don't see the need to do so with West's hand. As to whether he should open 1 or 1 there is really no consensus amongst experts. Over either minor, East will respond 1

and West rebids 2NT to show 18-19 balanced. East is in slam zone, especially if the opening was 1. If East invites slam, West will cooperate -- he has a maximum and tons of prime cards. Reaching seven is really tricky--there probably aren't many pairs who can reach 7NT being able to count 6 club tricks and 4 diamond tricks.

Board 3, South deals and opens 1, E-W Vulnerable, North bids 1NT (if possible)

K 7 6 5
A J 10 8
K 10 6 5 3
A J 10 8 2
Q 9 2
A J 9 2

Scores for Board 3:

6: 9
5: 7
5: 5
7: 3
7: 2

1NT Doubled: 1

The bidding will likely begin 1-P-1NT. Now, East has to be brave, but should overcall 2. West will go crazy, but will he get his side to a slam? If so, let's hope declarer doesn't lose to both black queens.

Board 4, West deals, Nobody Vulnerable

K Q 8 7 5 4
A Q 10 7 6 5
A 9 4 3
J 8 4 2
K 8 2

Scores for Board 4:

7: 9
6: 7
6: 5
5: 2
5: 1

Presuming a 1 opening, how will East respond? If 2NT is natural and forcing, he can make that call (after which West will bid 3). East might be able to respond 1NT (only if it is 100% forcing). If system forces East to bid 2-of-a-red-suit, the auction won't develop as well. West will suspect wasted values in East's hand, especially if the response is 2. One scientific way to reach 7, is if West gets to use Exclusion RKC and East shows the 3 crucial key cards.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***