Set 21Results

By: Larry Cohen

Set 21Results

Set 21 Results

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Board 1, West deals, Nobody Vulnerable, South bids

J 9 8 4
Q 9
A K Q 7 4 3 2
K Q 2
A J 6 5 2
7 6 5 2

Scores for Board 1 :

4: 7
4: 5
6: 4
4: 3

The auction should begin 1-P-1-(2). West will rebid either 2, or 3 (I prefer the high road). Over only 2, East might pass. Over 3, East should bid 3 (where he lives, hoping partner can bid 3NT). West will raise to 4 and East will feel a bit sheepish. Rather than play the 4-3 fit (with the tap in the wrong hand), he will face the ignominy of having to correct to 5 with his singleton. But, lo and behold, the right contract is reached! With very good luck (all 3 key suits behave), 6 will make, but it is more likely to make 10 tricks than 12 (thus 4 has a higher score than 6).

Board 2: East deals, Both Vulnerable

K 10 4 2
9 5
K Q 9 5 4 2
A Q 3
A 2
J 10
A K 8 7 5 2

Scores for Board 2:

5: 8
5: 5

6: 1

I know many East players who would open 2NT at the table, but in a bidding competition I prefer 1. Will West bypass his diamonds to bid 1? Playing the popular Walsh style, if West bids 1 and later bids spades, he is showing a good hand. How good? This hand is borderline in my opinion. Over either response, East will likely rebid 2NT. It is hard to see a good route to the top spot of 6. Just avoiding 3NT deserves a good score.

Board 3, West deals, Nobody Vulnerable

A 8
J 7 6 5
A Q 7 6 5 3
A J 9 8 4
A 9 2
K 2

Scores for Board 3:

6NT: 10
6: 8
5NT: 6
5: 4
7: 2

The auction begins 1-1-2. If East had one bid for his life, it would probably be 6. However, he should go more slowly with any forcing bid (although most of my students would bid 4NT and have to guess at the final contract). After a more delicate 2 (forcing), West would bid 3. East could probe further with 3, likely begetting 3NT from West. It isn't easy to intelligently reach 6NT. As to a club grand slam, without a diamond lead (which takes out a key entry), if both black suits behave it could make (but it is not even close to odds on).

Board 4, East deals, Nobody Vulnerable

10 8 5 3
7 2
Q J 10 6 5
A 5
J 7 2
A K Q 8 4 3
K 2
K 8

Scores for Board 4:

3NT: 10
3: 7
4: 3

What should East rebid after 1-1? Normal might be 3, but other choices (like 2NT) are possible. The winner is probably 2NT which will get raised to 3NT--a super contract.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***