Set 40Results

By: Larry Cohen

Set 40Results

Results for Set 40

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#1) East deals, Both Vul.

A 8
Q 4
10 7 6 3
J 8 7 5 4
K Q J 9 7 6
A J 2
K J 8 2

Scores for Board 1:

4: 10
2: 7
3: 6
3: 5
4: 4
5: 3
3NT: 2

After 1-1NT, what should East rebid? He is a bit strong for only 2, so many would bid 3. My long-time partner, David Berkowitz, insisted on 2 with such hands (expecting/hoping) to get to bid spades again later. After 2, West might pass, but should take a false preference to 2. East would surely bid again, maybe 3 (or maybe even a sexy 3). There is a lot of handling in 4, especially on a club lead, but it still gets the top mark.

#2) East deals, Both Vul.

A K Q 6 5
A 4 2
A K 10 4 3
J 10 4 2
K Q 5 3
J 8 7 6

Deal 2 Scores:

7: 10
6: 6
5: 2

Last month, East had a similar hand to the West hand here. This West hand is a little better and most would open 2. That should lead to 2-2-2-4 (Splinter raise). West is now driving to slam, and it is just a question of six or seven. West's hand is unsuitable for Blackwood. He could control-bid 4. East might now use RKC and if West can show 4 keycards, the Q and a diamond void, that will be just what East's doctor ordered!

#3) West Deals, Nobody Vul.

K Q 7 6 5
K 5 4
10 7 6 4
A J 9
A Q 10 8 2
A Q 6

Deal 3 Scores:

6: 8
7NT: 4

Game: 2

After East's 2, my system preference is for West to be able to respond naturally with 2 (showing a decent 5+ card suit and about 8 + HCP). East can now raise to 3 (GF, of course). West should bid his cheapest control (4). East can now control-bid in hearts or use Blackwood. The key is the good secondary heart fit. It is so key that a GRAND SLAM in hearts is the winning contract, but is a very hard strain to reach.

#4) West deals, Both Vul.

K 4
K Q J 7 6
A Q 2
K Q 2
A Q J 7 6
A 9 2
10 8 7 4

Board 4 Scores:

6NT (by West): 10

6/6: 8

6NT (by East): 6

Games: 3

I would start: 2NT-3-3-4. Please don't tell me that 4 is Gerber (a baby food). West doesn't have a great hand opposite black suits, so he might try to sign-off in 4 (or 4NT if it is natural). Still, I think after West's 2NT, East will drive to slam with his beautiful-looking 5-4 11-count. He might bid 5NT pick-a-slam and West could pick hearts (or notrump).

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***