Set 08Results

Set 08Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 9/29/2015

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 8

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#1) East deals, nobody vulnerable

bridge card suitK Q 9 2
bridge card suitK J 5
bridge card suit10 9 8 4
bridge card suitQ 7
bridge card suitA 3
bridge card suitA 9 4
bridge card suitK
bridge card suitA K J 9 6 5 3

Score for Board 1:

6bridge card suit:10
4NT: 7
5bridge card suit: 5
5NT: 4

East will likely open 1bridge card suit (some will try 2bridge card suit). After 1bridge card suit, West rates to bypass the diamonds to respond 1bridge card suit. Now East has a tough rebid problem. He is too strong for 3bridge card suit, so might reverse into 2bridge card suit (nobody likes reverse auctions, though). He could also choose to rebid 3NT which shows a good hand with long clubs. Without a 2bridge card suit opening bid, it is difficult to reach the laydown club slam.

#2) West deals, both vulnerable

bridge card suitQ 8
bridge card suitK Q J
bridge card suitA K 10 8 3
bridge card suit7 6 3
bridge card suitA K 6 5 2
bridge card suitA 10 4 3
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitA K J 2

Scores for Board 2:

7bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit: 9
6NT: 8
6bridge card suit: 7
7NT: 5
7bridge card suit: 4
5bridge card suit: 3
5NT: 2
5bridge card suit: 1

Really, I should award 11 for 7bridge card suit, but I don't give out anything more than 10. In hearts, declarer can ruff a spade and will fail only with horrific splits. If spades are 3-3, 6NT will likely get most of the matchpoints for 1470. West opens 1NT and East has quite a hand to bid. Some will start with a transfer to spades, but I prefer Stayman. After 1N-2bridge card suit-2bridge card suit, East has to show a forcing hand with 5bridge card suit and 4bridge card suit. In Standard, that would be via 3bridge card suit; with Smolen it would entail a 3bridge card suit bid.  Surely, East will insist on slam, but I see no good route to 7bridge card suit

#3) West deals, North then bids 2bridge card suit, nobody vulnerable

bridge card suitA 4
bridge card suitQ J 7 6
bridge card suitA 10 8 4 3
bridge card suitA 2
bridge card suitQ J 10 7 3
bridge card suitA
bridge card suitK Q J 9 7
bridge card suit9 5

Scores for Board 3:

6bridge card suit:10
5bridge card suit: 8
4bridge card suit: 7
7bridge card suit: 6
3NT: 4

I don't like opening 1NT with 2 doubletons, yet I would open West's hand with 1NT. Why? Because with 5 diamonds and 4 hearts, I am afraid of the auction starting 1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit (by partner). Then, I have no rebid (can't reverse, can't rebid the 5-card diamonds, can't lie with 1NT). So, I'd rather get it off my chest that I have 15-17 "balanced." Over a Natural 2bridge card suit overcall, I recommend System On. East bids 2bridge card suit to transfer to spades, then bids diamonds. This will turn West on! Maybe after some control-bids, East-West can sail into the top spot. If West opens 1bridge card suit, East will bid 2bridge card suit after the overcall and support diamonds later, maybe also resulting in the diamond slam.
#4) West deals, Both vulnerable, South bids spades.

bridge card suitA 7 5
bridge card suitK J 10 3
bridge card suitJ
bridge card suitK Q 10 8 3
bridge card suit9 2
bridge card suitA Q 4
bridge card suitA K 9 7 4
bridge card suitJ 5 2

Scores for Board 4:

4bridge card suit:10
5bridge card suit: 9
3bridge card suit: 6
4bridge card suit: 5
3NT: 4
6bridge card suit: 1

After 1bridge card suit-Pass-1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit, West should pass. East will reopen with a card-showing double and West will bid 2bridge card suit. After this start, East-West could easily stumble into the superb 4-3 heart fit. However, East is likely to punt with 2bridge card suit over which West will admit to a spade stopper with 2NT. Will East now raise to 3NT? If so, he will finish -100 off 4 spades and the bridge card suitA. Yes, East-West could luck out if the bridge card suitA is with North. Keep wishing.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***