Set 23 Results

Set 23 Results

Author: Larry Cohen

Date of publish: 4/4/2017

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Set 23 Results

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Board 1, West deals, Both Vulnerable

bridge card suitK Q 8 7 4
bridge card suit5 3
bridge card suitK Q
bridge card suitA Q 6 4
bridge card suitJ 10 9 3
bridge card suitA 9 2
bridge card suitA 10 2
bridge card suitK 10 3

Scores for Board 1 :

6bridge card suit:10
5bridge card suit:5

After West's 1bridge card suit, East should force to game. Yes, he has a 4-3-3-3 12-count, but the spots and prime cards make it worth a game force. So, assume 1bridge card suit-2NT (Jacoby 2NT). Depending on the structure, West will make some sort of forward-going move, but East might not cooperate, having already forced to game. This is a tough one--slam is excellent since declarer's heart loser goes on the third diamond. Ironically, if East had the same HCP but a little more shape to the tune of 4=4=2=3, slam would have no play.
Board 2: East deals, Both Vulnerable

♠ K 3  
♥ A J 8 4  
♦ Q 3  
♣ K 10 9 8 2

♠ A 7 6  
♥ K Q 7 3  
♦ K J 5 4  
♣ A J

Scores for Board 2:

6bridge card suit:10
5bridge card suit:6

After East's 1bridge card suit, I like 2bridge card suit GF with the West hand, but most would respond 1bridge card suit. That would get raised to 3bridge card suit and West is in slam zone. He might control-bid 3bridge card suit and then East will bid 4bridge card suit.  With optimism, eventually RKC will result in the decent heart slam. As to how to play it--that's not part of this feature. :)

Board 3, East deals, Both Vulnerable

bridge card suitA Q J 4 2
bridge card suitK
bridge card suitQ J 6 5
bridge card suitA K 3
bridge card suitK 9 8 6
bridge card suitA J 10 9 4
bridge card suit2
bridge card suit10 9 2

Scores for Board 3:
6bridge card suit:10
5bridge card suit:6

Three slams in a row! West opens 1bridge card suit (in 3rd seat) and now it is a question of methods. East could use Drury, or a mini-splinter (if available). I like to play passed-hand jumps as fit-showing, so 3bridge card suit would be perfect.  If East bids only 2bridge card suit (boo--bad evaluation), then West will not try for slam. Over anything else by East, West should show a sign of life and the good slam might be reached.

Board 4, West deals, Both Vulnerable

bridge card suitA 2
bridge card suitK 8 7
bridge card suitA 10 8 7 6
bridge card suitQ 5 4
bridge card suitK 7 5 4
bridge card suitA
bridge card suitK Q J 9 4 2
bridge card suitA J

Scores for Board 4:
7bridge card suit:10
6bridge card suit: 5
7NT: 4
5NT: 3
5bridge card suit: 2

I hope you had your slam bidding shoes on this month. With 33 HCP, it is easy to reach 6, but what about the grand slam? How about this: 1bridge card suit-1bridge card suit-1NT-2bridge card suit (artificial GF--see XYZ)-3bridge card suit to start. Now, East knows his partner is likely 2=3=5=3 (from his 1NT rebid and subsequent 3bridge card suit--not supporting spades.)  Now, if East can learn of the 2 keycards and one king, he can count 13 tricks in diamonds. Voila.

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***