Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 12/1/2012
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Results for Set 46
(for instructions, click here)
#1) West deals, Both Vul.
A 5 4 3 K Q J 3 2 A K 5 4 | K 2 A Q 9 4 7 6 4 Q 10 7 2 |
Deal 1 Scores:
The minor suit slams need decent breaks, but are worthwhile ventures. After 1-1, West is not good enough to jumpshift, so will have to content himself with 2. East will likely bit 2NT, raised to 3NT--not such a bad contract.
#2) West deals, Both Vul.
A K Q J 9 K 2 A 10 5 4 A Q | 8 7 A J 9 7 6 K J 7 3 8 7 |
Deal 2 Scores:
6NT (West): 10
5NT (West): 5
Using LC Standard, the auction begins 2-2-2-3. After that, West would like to use RKC in diamonds (this is a matter of methods). After a trump-queen ask reveals that the Q is missing, West will have to guess whether or not to settle in small slam or maybe a grand slam (but not in diamonds).
#3) West Deals, N-S Vul.
J 4 A K Q 10 6 5 3 -- K Q 10 3 | A Q 8 7 2 2 J 8 6 A 8 7 2 |
Deal 3 Scores:
David Berkowitz and I bid these cards to 7 at a regional many years ago (and this deal was part of the series on "magical 4-4 fits" in My Favorite 52). I opened the West cards with a Precision 1 and David bid 1 (natural, GF). After I bid 2, he bid 3 (all natural). I now used a rare animal: Exclusion RKC. My jump to 5 asked for keycards outside of diamonds. When David showed 2, I greedily bid 7, knowing that if he didn't have the K that we would still have 13 tricks with decent splits. In fact, trumps and hearts were both 3-2, so we took 7 hearts, 3 clubs, the A and 2 ruffs. If you must know, the K was offside, so this was the only making grand slam.
#4) East deals, N-S Vul. [South bids spades, North raises to 3 if possible]
K -- A Q 10 7 6 5 4 2 K 8 7 4 | A 7 6 A J 9 7 6 K J 3 A 2 |
Deal 4 Scores:
6NT: 8
East's hand is too good for a 15-17 notrump (it is worth more like 18 or 19). After 1 (1) 2 (3), East doesn't have much room. He could control-bid 4 or maybe just jump to 4NT (RKC in diamonds). Getting to 6 isn't to tough--but I can't recommend a good auction to reach 7.
***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***