Defense -- Second Hand Play

You've heard many times, cover an honor (10, J, Q, or K) with an honor. But have you heard, if dummy has 2 honors, cover the second one played? However, if dummy has 2 honors and you also have 2 honors, cover the first one. If covering can't possibly promote anything, don't cover. 

You might also consider getting Larry's book on Defense HERE or try Larry's Defense Webinar series which you can find HERE

  • Vul:
    ♠ Q54
     ♠ K32

    Declarer calls for the dummy to play the ♠Q. What do you play?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -


    Answer: 1

    K. Cover a bare honor with an honor. Imagine declarer with AJ95. If you play the K partner will get the 10 eventually. If you play low, declarer will take all of the tricks in the suit.

    Your result so far:
  • Vul:
    ♠ QJ9
     ♠ K32

    Declarer calls for the dummy to play the Q♠. What do you play?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    Answer: 2

    If you cover the first honor and declarer has the ace and partner the 10, can you see that it will give declarer 3 tricks? It goes Q-K-A and then a finesse to the 9 in dummy. If you play low, and then cover the next honor partner gets his 10. If declarer has A10x, nothing you do will matter.

    Your result so far:
  • Vul:
    ♠ J104
     ♠ K95

    Declarer asks dummy to play J♠ from board. What do you play?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -


    Answer: 3

    Covering the first honor is wrong. Picture declarer with Axx. He wins the ace and then leads up to dummy's 10 to get a 2nd trick. If you don't cover, the jack runs to partner's queen and you later cover the 10 if it is led. If declarer has AQx or even A9x, nothing you do will matter.

    Your result so far:
  • Vul:
    ♠ J106
     ♠ KQ97

    Declarer asks dummy to play J♠ from board. What do you play?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    3. -


    Answer: 1

    You have two honors, so cover the first one. If you don't, declarer gets an undeserved trick if he has, say, Axx. 

    Your result so far:
  • Vul:
    ♠ A32
    ♠ K54
     ♠ Q

    Declarer plays the Q♠ from his hand. You're West, what should you play?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    Answer: 2

    Declarer wouldn't lead the queen without the jack (would you?), so assume he has QJ and wait to cover until you see the second honor (picture declarer with QJ9).

    Your result so far:
  • Vul:
    ♠ AK109
    ♠ Q542
     ♠ J

    Declarer plays the J♠ from his hand. What should you play?

    Choose One:
    1. -


    2. -


    Answer: 2

    Covering the J♠ serves no purpose, so play low (hopefully without fumbling or thinking).

    Your result so far:
  • Vul:
    ♠ J85
     ♠ Q1062


    Declarer leads a low spade from dummy. What do you play?

    Choose One:
    1. -

    Low (6 or 2)

    2. -


    3. -


    Answer: 1

    1. There's a temptation to play the 10, but no reason for it. Declarer isn't likely to lead low to the 9 from AK9x. Imagine that declarer is going to play the A and K from AK74-playing the 10 promotes a trick for declarer. If declarer has AK95, playing the 10 won't help either as long as declarer has an entry to dummy. (If you think it important to give count and you play standard count, you could play the 6).

    Your result so far: