DVD - Takeout Doubles

DVD - Takeout Doubles

Price: $15.00

By popular demand, Larry is making videos! This title is NOW AVAILABLE to purchase on DVD (to view on your TV or anything that has a DVD player)! 

If you would like to watch on your iPad, smart device or computer it is also available via DOWNLOAD at Vimeo! Just click the link and set up a free Vimeo account. Your video will always be available in your library at Vimeo.


Before/After watching you might check out these links:



Quiz Part 1 

Quiz Part 2 

Quiz Part 3

Topics Covered: Points and Shape Required, Doubles vs. Preempts, Doubles When They've Bid Two Suits, Responding to the Takeout Double, Responding to the Takeout Double with Interference

Taking Out the Double to Notrump, The Power Double Running Time: 53:31